Thank you Sechelt voters!

10171817_557535277710906_2083660958159629744_nWell that was an amazing run!

To all my friends and supporters: thank you for believing we could do this, and for all chipping in to make it such an outstanding success!

When I got started on this campaign some time ago, I was warned by a close associate that running in a field stacked with incumbents and former councillors/mayors, that I had little chance of winning.  We designed my campaign accordingly, because I wasn’t prepared to go ‘half-way’ towards a council seat in Sechelt.

We consequently set out a campaign geared towards topping the polls, but we internally prepared ourselves for a far less favorable outcome.  After all, I was running against 2 former mayors, 4 incumbents, and many vastly more experienced councillors, totalling over 25 council terms distributed among them.

To have topped the polls in this environment, as a first time candidate, speaks to the outstanding quality of our campaign team.  We outworked our counterparts and it showed.  Through their diligent work, my campaign team gave me a chance to win.  Thankfully, at the ‘all candidates’ events, I did not let them down.

After every ‘all candidates’ event my campaign shifted gears, and gained speed.  Heading into the vote, we knew that our message was being well received and were hopeful for a positive outcome.

In the end, the people of Sechelt showed their overwhelming support for my candidacy.  2629 individuals (a district record) took the time out of their day to go cast a vote for me, and I am incredibly honoured by that show of support.

Over the next 4 years I intend to justify, fulfill, and exceed your expectations of my term.

Sechelt is now turning a corner, and we certainly don’t know everything that lies ahead.  But rest assured that we have an amazing team at the helm!

I am deeply honoured to be among those that you have chosen to help lead us through the years ahead!

Thank you all so much!

-Noel Muller

6 thoughts on “Thank you Sechelt voters!

  1. Hi Noel,

    You are so welcome and wasn’t it a great “race”. So excited with the new Mayor and Council and that you are one of the Council members!! I do have a couple of things I think are important that I would like to ask you about.

    1. A way for the District of Sechelt to make money is to build a parking garage charging a minimal amount. It’s time. Sechelt needs way more parking. For example every time I go to the Sechelt Aquatic Centre it’s difficult to find a parking spot. No matter morning, noon or night. Part of the problem is the staff parking at the District office and the library. When the Farmer’s market is active, there is not a parking spot to be found, anywhere. If Sechelt erected a 2-3 car garage it would help with all the parking issues. The place I would suggest to build the garage is between the Sechelt Office/library and the Aquatic centre (if there is enough room). Otherwise, perhaps it could be build where the RCMP visitors park.

    2. I do not know who owns the property that had the trees removed when the Watermark was being built, but that would be an excellent spot for a community care facility, for assisted living and extended care.

    To me those 2 issues are huge. The municipal garage would certainly help with both parking and fiances. The community care facility would address our elder population.

    Thanks for listening ~ onward and upward. Thank you for taking on the task of a Council member Noel!

    Sue Spurgeon


  2. Dear Noel. So glad that you made it! It is great to have young, new blood on the council. You presented yourself well at the Seniors’ and I was impressed by your website. Also, it is good to know that you are a member of the Green Party.

    Best of luck and congratulations.

    Fern Walker and Michael Siddall


  3. Well deserved win. Now comes the hard part. Let me know when you’re ready for some quiet talk about how local politics operates here, from the perspective of a seasoned observer and participant.

    Sue J.

    Sent from Windows Mail


  4. I appreciated this summary. Thank-you.

    Fern Walker

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    > From: “” > Subject: [New post] My first two weeks as Councillor Muller > Date: 16 December, 2014 8:01:30 AM PST > To: > Reply-To: “” > >


  5. Thanks for the thoughtful comments.


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    > From: “” > Subject: [New post] Why the COP21 “Paris Agreement” Matters > Date: 29 December, 2015 7:49:19 AM PST > To: > Reply-To: “” > >


  6. Dear Noel, I agree with you completely. Have you read “Sapiens” by Yuval Noah Harari? His discussions on myths and “capitalism” is a must read.

    Yours truly, Fern Walker

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    > From: “” > Subject: [New post] Goal Orientation and the emerging world > Date: 24 February, 2019 7:34:51 AM PST > To: > Reply-To: “” > >


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